11  Knowledge resources

11.1 NHS Branding

NHS Identity - main website detailing why branding is important to the NHS and specific guidelines for colours, fonts, logo and so on.

11.2 Themes

NHS-R Community Quarto theme

NHS-R Community Quarto Report theme

11.3 Visualisations

NHS England Dashboard Data Design

Analysis Function data visualisation for charts

11.5 Bringing NHS data analysis into the 21st century

Ben Goldacre, Martin Bardsley, Tim Benson, Kate Cheema, Roger Chinn, Ellen Coughlan, Sarah Dougan, Marc Farr, Loraine Hawkins, Adrian Jonas, Andy Kinnear, Morag Mcinnes, Mohammed Amin Mohammed, Caroline Morton, Rahul Pasumarthy, Neil Pettinger, Ben Rowland, Neil Sebire, Paul Stroner, Jeni Tennison, Samantha Warnakula, Oliver Watson, Emma Wright, Hamish Young, Jessica Morley

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