10  Mapping/GIS resources

SHAPE Atlas - “is an online, interactive, data mapping, analysis and insight tool that supports service planning and estates strategy development.” Requires registration from a public sector email.

Includes travel times for public transport and car, demographics and building locations amongst other data.

Managed by the Department of Health and Social Care

Local Health - “Quality assured small area health-related data visualised in maps, charts, area profiles, and reports.” Managed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and allows for uploading of your own data.

10.1 Centroid mapping

Sometimes you have a set of addresses but no way of mapping them. The Office for National Statistics’ Open Geography Portal provides the centroids for all UK postcodes.

Using R to get centroid information: https://www.trafforddatalab.io/recipes/gis/postcodes.html#

Or weighted by LSOA area: https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/lower-layer-super-output-areas-december-2011-population-weighted-centroids

Taken from a blog by the CDU Team.

10.2 Travel times

Wales-ish OTP Graph Generator - “assemble OpenTripPlanner, R5 and OSRM graphs that are useable for planning trips, by car or public transport, between places in Wales - including where these trips involve a short journey entirely within England. (It likely also works well enough for planning trips between places in Wales and a small number of English towns just the other side of the border.)”

Data Science Campus blog - using open data to understand hyperlocal differences in uk public transport availability.

Using {sf} to calculate catchment areas - from NHS-R blogs.

NHS Pycom nhs_time_of_travel - a collaborative open source project between NHS Python Community and Google Health, building on https://github.com/nhsx/nhs_time_of_travel